Tuesday, March 21, 2006

You Can't Have Meme without ME...

Darth Kel updated her blog today with an interesting concept that she stole from someone else who undoubtedly stole it from another. So I decided to steal it for myself. Partially because it's kind of a cool concept and partially because it gets me out of trouble for not posting for a while.

The concept is that you use your Ipod as a Magic 8 Ball, asking it questions and then shuffling to get the song title answer. Unfortunately, I suffer from technology envy and don't own an Ipod so, in the interest of full disclosure, this is the same concept using a copy of Winamp and the 33 gigs of mp3 files I have on my portable HD.

Anyhow, on to the questions.

Q: Will I Ever Update my Blog Enough to Satisfy Kate?
A: "Right Now" by Van Halen
Oddly Enough, this is when Kate usually wants me to update...

Q: What Should I Do With My Life?
A: "Save Me" by Queen
I'm not sure what to make of this one... I say this sometimes when I'm at work. Of course, Save Me could me encouraging me to enter the medical profession (or begin a career as a flamboyantly homosexual lead vocalist, I'm not sure which...)

Q: Will I Ever Be Happy With My Career?
A: Savatage "Living For the Night"
Apparently I should have stuck with third shift...

Q: Will I Ever Have Children?
A: Dee Snider's SMFs "Stay Hungry"
Um... Ok... I think my 8-ball has mental health problems.

Q: What Song Will They Play at my Funeral?
A: "Joanie the Jehovah Witness Stripper" by Paul Thorn
Heh, and my grandma thought my plan to play Led Zeppelin's "Ramble On" was bad...

Q: What is my musical theme song?
A: "Act III- Manhunt" by Shadow Gallery
Obscure Prog Metal. Not the song I'd have used but close enough.

Q: What do other people think my musical theme song is?
A: Robert Earl Keen "Famous Words"
Hmmm... Not too bad.

Q: What type of woman do I like?
A: "Stuck in the 90's" by Moxy Fruvous
Hmmm... Was never into grunge chicks...

Q: What advice do you have for me?
A: "Addicted to Spuds" by Weird Al Yankovic
Damn... This thing knows my trouble resisting french fries...

Q: What type of music do I prefer?
A: "Here in my Heart" by The Scorpions
80's arena metal? Well, there was a time...

Q: What type of music will I listen to in the future?
A: "Get Off my Cloud" by Union
Hmmm... 90's arena metal. At least I'm moving...

Q: How can I make myself happy?
A: "Those Memories of You" by Dick Dale
"I'm so lonely I could die..." Well, that's depressing...

Q: What's my biggest fear?
A: "My Bologna" by Weird Al Yankovic
Hmmm... Better check the expiration date on that...

Q: Should I go ahead and end this column now?
A: "Minarets" by Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
A seven minute song in answer to this? I'll take that as a no...

Q: Can I end it now?
A: "Sweet Revenge" by John Prine
Ah, vengeful eh? Well to hell with you! I'm ending it whether you like it or not!
A: "Love Mistake" by Nancy Wilson
Oh, dragging my personal life into it, eh? You stupid little...
A: "DysFUNKtional" by The Trailer Park Troubadours
What? Who you calling dysfunctional you stupid machine!
A: "Dance With Me" by Tuck and Patti
No sense trying to make nice now... The damage has been done.
A: "Utne Wire Man" by Blue Man Group
Oooohh... Soothing... *lull* No! You won't sedate me you evil program! I'm uninstalling you!
A: "Quiet Man" by John Prine
That's more like it! I'll do the talking.
A: "Hey You" by Pink Floyd
A: "Bedrock Anthem" by Weird Al Yankovic
What is your fascination with Weird Al anyway?
A: "Talk Soup" by Weird Al Yankovic
Seriously, I don't own that much Weird Al. Why do you keep selecting it?
A: "When the Levee Breaks" by Led Zeppelin
That's more like it. I can forgive anyone who's a Zep fan. Peace?
A: "Waco Moon" by Todd Snider
Another good one! You're ok there Winamp. I'm ending the column now, ok?
A: "Spiritual" by Johnny Cash
"Jesus... I don't wanna die alone..."

Pretty fitting end for this column, wouldn't you say so Winamp?
A: "I Can't Complain" by Todd Snider

Glad you agree...



Blogger Kate said...

I had already chosen my theme song- and my iPod confirmed it! What are the odds of that happening??? Do do do do, do do do do... had Rod Serling entered the room? (Must have- television programming suddenly improved). You are right about how often I want you to post. I LOVE your writing. Write more, write more. And, in case you are interested, my theme song is "Skating Away on the Thin Ice of a New Day" by Jethro Tull. If I had a soundtrack to my life, Tull would figure heavily in it.
Ciao, bello.

2:59 AM  
Blogger Kel said...

Ah, the life of an editor... provide an idea and watch your talent run with it in ways that put your own original submission to shame.

What does my iPod say to that? "It's back-breakin', bone-shakin', belly-achin', hard workin', two more hours to go. Seven long years at the same corporation and I ain't got nothing to show."

Sing it, Billy!

(The Weekend Song, Billy Joel)

9:08 AM  
Blogger Gryphon said...

Well, in response to you, my Winamp says;

"That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball."

Not entirely sure what it means.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

And in response to YOU, young Gryphon, my iPod says "You better post again pretty soon, or else", from the "Misery" soundtrack.

8:54 AM  

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