Monday, January 09, 2006

Damn You Murphy

I'd like to say right up front that Murphy is a rotten bastard...

You know Murphy. The guy with the law. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." That one. In my case, the law goes "A man who finally tops off his emergency fund will soon have an emergency."

In my case, these emergencies take two forms. Automotive and medical.

Just a few weeks ago, Joan and I made a trip to open our new savings account and FINALLY get our emergency fund to the $1000 recommended before starting to whittle down our debt. We've had an emergency fund before. Prior to the wedding, I made sure we scrimped and saved so we'd have that $1000 in the bank just in case. So began the cruel ministrations of Mr. Murphy.

First the wedding cost us a bit more than we expected. Not a lot but just enough to get us a bit below that magic number. Murphy's major offensive was saved for when we returned from our honeymoon to discover that Joan's car, which had been limping along on its last leg, had decided its week-long vacation was an excellent time to take a permanent one. Exit our entire emergency fund (and the majority of our wedding gift money) to buy another car.

Unfortunately, that car apparently spoke the old one because soon after bringing it home, it began to exhibit the symptoms of a sickly vehicle. Little stuff. $100 there, $300 there, just enough to keep me below that magic threshold.

Finally, the demon car appeared to be exorcised. Finally we began to have a few extra dollars to spare. Finally we topped off our emergency fund and began to whittle the debt again.

But we didn't kill Murphy. Like Jason Vorhees in those old Friday the 13th movies, he rose from seeming death to kill again. Not content to settle with breaking our car, he decided to break me. My foot actually. A stress fracture. Doctor bills, prescription fills.

This weekend, apparently not content to beat up Joan's car or my extremities, Murphy has decided to zero in on my car. It goes under the wrench tomorrow. Additionally, Joan has also recently been battling some lingering medical issues which keep piling up doctor's visits but don't seem to be piling up any cures.

So, here we are. My poor emergency fund gets emergencied into extinction once again.

Someday I'm gonna find that guy Murphy... And when I do, he'd better watch out.


Blogger Kate said...

You forgot the corrolary to Murphy's Law, which is "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong....AT THE MOST INOPPORTUNE TIME!" Let me just reassure you, dear newlywed, it DOES get better and easier as time goes on. This sprake 38 years of experience.

11:49 AM  

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